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The First-Year Teacher's Survival Guide, Fourth Edition


In a Nutshell...

Designed for new educators, this award-winning book covers the basic strategies, activities, and tools teachers need to know in order to succeed in the classroom.

Now it its fourth edition, The First-Year Teacher’s Survival Guide contains new and updated material on essential topics including: classroom management (how to prevent or minimize disruptions), sustaining professional growth, differentiated instruction, nurturing a growth mindset, and much more.

The fourth edition also offers downloadable forms, and worksheets, and video instruction on key topics. In addition, this must-have guide:

Offers ideas for dealing with homework and instructional concerns from parents and guardians

Includes suggestions for helping new professionals maintain a successful work-life balance

Contains guidelines to classroom technology and ideas for using digital tools to create engaging lessons

Proposes proven strategies for forging positive, supportive relationships with students

Presents recommendations for successfully managing the most common discipline problems

Praise for The First-Year Teacher’s Survival Guide

“Each page contains wisdom and helpful strategies that every educator can use to meet the needs of all their learners. Every student teacher, new teacher, and their mentor needs this book to explore this treasure trove of experienced guidance to grow successful learners.”

—JOHN MCCARTHY, EdS, Educator & Founder of Opening Paths, and author of So All Can Learn: A Practical Guide to Differentiation

“The fourth edition of Julia Thompson’s classic book, The First-Year Teacher’s Survival Guide, is THE book that every new teacher needs to have marked-up and readily accessible on their bookshelf!”

—LARRY FERLAZZO, teacher, author, and Ed Week advice columnist

“The latest edition of Julia Thompson’s The First Year Teacher’s Survival Guide has everything you need to get started in the profession! A once-in-a-generation text for all new teachers!”

—ANDREA HONIGSFELD, Ed.D., Associate Dean, Division of Education, Molloy College

“This book will be your most treasured resource as a new teacher! You will turn to it often for the comfort and inspiration you need as well as to sustain the passion you brought to teaching in the first place. The practical tips on collaboration, instructional strategies, freebie resources, student engagement, behavior, and more will empower you every step of the way.”

—PAT WYMAN, Founder, How to Learn Academy at HowtoLearn.com


A Brief Look Inside

So what's inside the fourth edition? Here are the fourteen section titles. If you would like to see the full table of contents as well as the first chapter, please click on the link at the top of the page.

I. Learn the Skills Necessary to Become a Professional Educator
Section One: Begin Your Professional Growth
Section Two: Develop Professional Productivity Skills
Section Three: Collaborate with Colleagues in Your School Community

II. Establish a Productive Classroom Environment
Section Four: Become a Capable Classroom Leader
Section Five: Start the School Year Productively
Section Six: Cultivate Positive Classroom Relationships

III. Teach the Whole Child
Section Seven: Meet the Needs of All Students
Section Eight: Adapt Instruction through Differentiated Instruction

IV. Use Effective Instructional Practices
Section Nine: Design and Deliver Effective Instruction
Section Ten: Measure Student Progress with Summative Assessments

V. Create a Well-Managed Discipline Climate
Section Eleven: Policies, Procedures, and Rules: The Framework of Classroom Management
Section Twelve: Prevent or Minimize Discipline Problems
Section Thirteen: Handle Discipline Problems Effectively
Section Fourteen: How-to Quick Reference Guide to Common Classroom Discipline Problems